How To Record A Webinar For Later Viewing

how to record a webinar for later viewing

Learning how to record a webinar for later viewing has been discussed in some detail by those involved with the industry, but it's still relatively easy to go through. In most cases all you need is a good quality webcam and the ability to turn your computer on. Once you have that then you have everything you need to start recording webinars. Some of the benefits that camcorders offer that make them ideal for webinar recordings are detailed below.

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Webinars can be recorded using almost any software available today. There are many different types and it's important to find out which one meets your needs before making a commitment. A few things you will need to consider before choosing recorder software are what type of webinar you want to record, how long you want it to run and what your budget limitations are. A lot of free online webinar software allows you to record from anywhere there is an internet connection, which is great if you frequently conduct online webinars. If you are going to use paid services like Vistoria or PowerVault then it's best to look for one that provides premium recording options.


It's easy to forget, especially when you're participating in a live webinar, how important your posture is. In particular your head needs to be positioned so that it faces the presenter. For how to record a webinar for later viewing keep this in mind and make sure you sit up straight and don't lean back. When you Lean back your shoulders begin to ache and your throat muscles will begin to ache as well. Keep your head up and shoulders at a natural angle and your listeners will thank you.

How to Record a Webinar For Later Viewing


People have asked the question of how to record a webinar for later viewing hundreds of times, but none of them have any answers. The best way is to prepare a list of everything that needs to be included in your presentation. Go over your list with a fine tooth comb, double check your presentation and re-read your script to check for anything that you may have left out. This sounds easy but it can be easy to miss things when you are in the midst of doing other things. Make sure you have your presentation on a laptop or do your presentation on your cell phone if possible because cell phones lose quality very quickly and you don't want to compromise your voice quality for the sake of using a cell phone.

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Many different webinar platforms are available and it's recommended to test them out before committing to one or another. I recommend using Google Test to run a webinar for later viewing and recording. There are a few different settings you can experiment with, but most of them are pretty basic and work fine. You can even choose to play audio during the webinar. Some webinar platforms also allow you to see what your followers are saying about your webinar, so if you find that people aren't taking too well to a presentation, you can change the presentation to something you think they will be more comfortable with.


If you aren't recording your webinars, the chances are you are not really watching them all that carefully either. How to record a webinar for later viewing is simple with Live Meeting. It is a webinar platform that allows you to view your webinar recordings as they happen so you can react to them accordingly. What's more is that Live Meeting allows you to record several different videos and then edit them, add text, merge them together, and even burn them to DVD. It has all of the features you would expect from a webinar recording platform and it is completely free.


Of course, another option to consider is buying an offline software for editing your webinars. This is probably the most difficult option because you need to have the right knowledge and experience to actually use these tools effectively. Offline software may not give you the same flexibility and options that a Live Meeting does, but it will allow you to do more with your recordings. Think about it as a good version of Live Meeting for your webinar recordings that you can view at any time.


The final option for learning how to record a webinar for later viewing is to simply get a video camera and invite your audience. Then, you can show them a teaser of your presentation, then deliver your main talk in the video. This is a great way to demo your webinars to a larger group of people and generate interest in your future events. Remember, everyone loves to get a behind-the-scenes look at how someone else is performing, even if it is just for fun. So go ahead and try this method! You'll be surprised how much fun it can be!

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